The smartphone has made every engineer’s life much easier, and if you have not utilized it for work, then you need to get started. They have apps that will compliment your work quickly and painlessly. Here are five excellent smartphone apps for engineers to consider.
The Engineering Unit Converter is a wonderful app that allows engineers to select a category: length, electric charge, entropy, etc., from an index. This unit converter has an interactive spinning wheel design that makes it easy to get the answers you need on the fly. The cost for this app is everyone’s favorite word – Free!
Easily translate varied units of measure that are related Fluid Mechanics with the Fluid Mechanics Converter. It is extremely accurate, and it costs you absolutely nothing. It is super easy to navigate and soon you will wonder how you ever got by without it.
The Engineering Cookbook is the perfect reference guide for mechanical designers. This gives you all the information you need to know to get the job done right the first time. At your fingertips, you will have information about ventilation rates for indoor air quality, design formulas, conversion factors, and much more. Amazingly enough, this awesome app is free.
Develop mechanical systems easily on your smartphone with Autodesk ForceEffect Motion. This is truly one of the best smartphone apps for engineers. It quickly allows you to simulate design concepts wherever you are. The cost to you – free.
AutoCad 360 is another wonderful app that no engineer should be without. Quickly and easily share your AutoCAD drawings across multiple platforms anytime and any place you need to. It is simply one of the most powerful smartphone apps for engineers available, plus it’s free.